Bad debt collections is the final stage of the revenue cycle process. These are your toughest accounts that have ignored all previous collection attempts. All accounts are scrubbed for accurate data through national data bases identifying if your customer is deceased, has filed bankruptcy, changed addresses, or phone numbers. The data is further analyzed through specialized data analytics making sure your accounts get the attention they deserve for the maximum return.
All debt collection efforts are in compliance with state (e.g. California, Nevada), and federal regulations. Specialized agency collection letters and prompt telephone calls effectively communicate the urgency of payment. Unpaid accounts are reported to all three major credit reporting companies.
Accounts requiring additional attention through litigation are reviewed and referred to CCS’ legal department for the processing through the proper courts and their judicial district. The department has the capability of handling legal matters from initial document preparation through satisfaction of judgment.
"CCS knows the latest information about credit and collection policy and law. They represent their clients fairly, yet, do not lose sight of the problems an individual may face in meeting financial obligations." MORE
Helayne W.,
Administrator for large medical group and surgery center
CCS sucessfully collects debt in most areas of the United states. Our debt collection agency is located in:
City: Salinas
County: Monterey
Regions: Silicon Valley,
Monterey Bay, South Bay
State: California
Country: USA