When you are looking for help with debt collection, you want a company that demonstrates expertise and professionalism. Some Concord debt collection agencies might promise results through overly aggressive tactics, but CCS has a proven system for making contact with your customers, communicating with them effectively, and getting results -- all while treating them with dignity and respect.
Find Out How We Can HelpCCS offers a full range of solutions that can be custom-tailored to your needs, including:
CCS' professional collection specialists will help your customers understand the importance of fulfilling their financial obligation to you.
Establish the most convenient payment flow for the consumer, while reducing costs and using a variety of payment vehicles across multi-payment channels.
A well-trained staff has more success collecting past due accounts — and a higher morale.
CCS's expertise in debt collection and cash flow management has been implemented in many different industries over the years, including:
Knowing who you are extending credit to, and how to properly pursue the debt, is key to effective recovery.
Collect from slow paying customers while maintaining good relationships.
CCS has just the right touch for collecting from families who have sent their children to private schools.
From small businesses to larger corporations, CCS has helped improve cash flow and reduce bad debt for many different clients, all while maintaining their most valuable customer relationships. Call CCS today for a free quote – we can help!
Although long considered a "bedroom community" for San Francisco, Concord has emerged with a strong and diversified economy of its own. But cash flow management can be an issue in strong economies as well as weakened ones. CCS has the tools to help you overcome overdue accounts receivable and defaults on payments due.
With its location close to San Francisco, the Wine Country, and the Sacramento Delta, Concord is perfectly situated for all kinds of fun -- outdoors and in!
It's all happening here -- from a farmers market, to free concerts featuring every type of music, to antique faires, something is alway going on in this lovely plaza in downtown Concord. Check out upcoming events here.
With great hiking and amazing views, a visit to Mt. Diablo State Park should be on your must-do list.
As the birthplace of Dave Brubeck, it is only fitting that Concord hosts a world famous jazz festival every year. The festival boasts a variety of well-established artists every year. Check this out for more information.
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