Extending credit carries a certain level of risk. Your internal credit policies and how well you enforce them will determine how much bad debt you will write-off. The longer your accounts remain unpaid, the less likely you will be able to collect. How do you stay focused on growing your business and stay on top of your accounts receivable? Sometime you need a partner. Located in Salinas, CCS has helped businesses all over the state of California. We are centrally located and uniquely qualified to understand the business environment and local and state laws affecting our clients doing business in California.
Find Out How We Can HelpWe offer a full range of services to Mountain View businesses that can be tailored to your needs, including:
CCS' debt collection specialists are highly trained professionals who will help your customers understand the importance of fulfilling their financial obligation to you.
Our suite of payment solutions provides a comprehensive, fully scalable, end-to-end suite of presentment and payment solutions.
Letter Service is a great low cost tool for identifying bad debt at an early stage, before it becomes a bigger problem, while maintaining full control of the account and 100% of any sums collected.
This is just a partial list of industries CCS has worked with over the years, providing expert debt collection and cash flow management:
This is a complex collection scenario that requires special training. We are committed to treating your patients with dignity and respect.
When customers move and leave no forwarding address, it can seem like a dead end -- but not with CCS's Waterfall Data Scrubbing.
CCS can help you collect from slow paying customers without risking repeat business.
You can reduce bad debt, improve cash flow, and maintain positive customer relations — CCS can help!
Mountain View in the heart of Silicon Valley, home to Google, Mozilla, Symantec and many more. But even a robust economic environment is open to all the inherent risk of doing business. A downturn in the general economy can start to put pressure on a healthy local economy, leading to overdue accounts receivable, defaults on payments for services rendered, cash flow slowing to a trickle. CCS can give you the tools to fight back, whether you are a large high-tech corporation, or a small local business.
When the work day is done, Mountain View has a wealth of places to explore and experience. Check out some of our favorites.
Did you know computer history is 2000 years old? Bet they couldn't hold those things on their laps back then. Learn about this and so much more at the Computer History Museum.
Located right downtown, the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts is a state-of-the-art venue for a wide variety of cultural offerings.
Mountain View is a food lover's paradise, with outstanding cuisines of the world available. Bring your appetite and check out this guide to the city's restaurants.
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